Friday, 2 October 2009
Ideas for magazine advert and digipak
Our digipak idea is going to include an entry for a competition in which they can potentially win a once in a lifetime opportunity to live the wannabe life of our nerd character.
Another thing which our digipak is going to include is a hologram picture which mixes the faces of the nerd and the fake famous alter ego.
The last extra that is going to be in the Digipak is a special invite to the release party of the song where you get to hang out with the band members.
Magazine Advert:
Our magazine advert is going to include the idea of the main characters face split into the nerd and the famous wannabe life. The nerd side of the face is going to be in dull colours eg; grey. Whereas the alter life is in brighter colours and seems shinier.
Also on the ad we are going to add in the band name and the song name. It is also going to include the release date of the song.
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