What I have seen of your footage indicates to me that your video footage is well framed and nicely lit. Your editing seems to be going well, which is very encouraging.
However, your blog needs quite a bit of work. The purpose of the blog is to accurately communicate your idea, your research into music videos, digipaks and magazine ads, and also to communicate the planning you have undertaken before your shoot and your editing.
Your blog needs more content that communicates the influences you have - include more current and/or student music videos which influence you or that you think are particularly effective. You also need to include the Goodwin and Auteur presentations you did individually, make sure you tag these correctly.
Also your storyboard images are not clear in terms of what is happening in each of them, put some text on these posts to contextualise these images.
In addition to this you need more detail on your digipak in terms of the design of it, what will it look like, what will be your primary image?
Look at blog of the week to get some inspiration for an ideal blog.
Your video is looking great but you need ot ensure that your blog and your ancillary tasks are just as strong so that you get the grade you deserve.
Keep up the good work.
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