Friday, 20 November 2009

Digipak - Developed Ideas

Idea 1:
The front cover of our Digipak will be our main character, John, leaning against a wall, down the centre of him there will be a white line. On one side of the line John will be wearing the "cool" clothes from the music video i.e. Hat, bright t-shirt, jeans. On the other half of the line John will wear the "normal" clothes (grey shirt, glasses etc) so the two images will blend into each other. Above John's head we will put the album and artist's name. Along the bottom we will put the stock symbols such as the record label and we will put a parental guidance symbol as the song contains naughty language.

Along the spine will be the artist's name and the album name.

The back cover will be on a similar theme to the front cover. The background will be an ordinary table again with a split down the middle. Down the centre we will have the song titles. Again, one side will have "cool" items - like sunglasses, ipod etc - and the other side will have "normal" items - like a calculator and textbooks.

Idea 2:
Our second idea is that we make a play on the song title that we chose. The front cover will feature John fully dressed in his "cool" clothes against a background of a wall. As in idea 1 above John's head we will put the album and artist's name. Along the bottom we will put the stock symbols & parental guidance symbol.

The back cover will be the same wall but with only the hat John was wearing in front of it and nothing else. The song list would be on the wall above the hat.

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